Contact Us
Hooked on painting
Got any questions?
Here at Hooked On Painting, communication is key. We love hearing from our customers and staying in touch! Let us assist you with ticket inquiries, or more details on how to host your very own event. Please leave us your message and we will get back to you within 24 hours or less, ensuring you have an incredible customer service experience.
(760) 413 – 5808
(760) 413 – 5808
How long do our events last?
What materials are needed for a virtual event?
- 16×20″ or 11×14″ canvas (really any size works!)
- Acrylic paint: Red, Blue, Yellow, Black and White
- 3 brush sizes: Big 1″ brush, medium and small detail brushes
- Table Top Easel (or you can paint on any flat surface)
- Apron (or clothing to get ta little messy in!)
What is Hooked On Painting?
Hooked On Painting is a creative and social way to have fun with friends and family. Our events are not art classes, but more of a party! Our talented and entertaining instructor will walk you through your project step by step, so no experience is necessary. Listen to music, grab a drink and get ready for a fun experience to remember.
What is your minimum age?
For VIRTUAL events, all ages are welcome! Most LIVE events are for 21+. We have specific family friendly on our calendar for those under the age of 21 and their parents.
I bought a ticket and now I have a conflict. What can I do?
Hey, life happens! You’ll be able to reschedule yourself for another night (up to 48 hours prior to the event start time),or you can gift your ticket to a friend.
You can reschedule your ticket right here on our page. You will be sent a voucher code which can be applied to any other future public event of your choice. If you are less than 48 hours prior, or you are a no-show, you do not get a voucher.